Cervical Rib and TOS
- HPI:
- Presented to neurosurgery clinic
- Progressive left neck and posterior shoulder pain for years
- Now radiating to left palm with numbness and tingling
- Left hand weakness
- Denies gait changes or incontinence of bowel/bladder
- PE:
- LUE grossly 4/5
- +b/l Hoffman's
- -clonus
- Decreased sensation to light touch on LUE (medial 2.5 fingers)
- Tenderness on left paraspinous/trapezius
- Workup:
- Cervical spine MRI without contrast
- Neck X-ray
- Cervical spine CT
- Nerve conduction study:
- Grossly normal except minimal decrease of left ulnar motor amplitude at wrist which does not match exactly with cubital tunnel syndrome
- No electrophysiological evidence of entrapment neuropathy, left cervical radiculopathy, large fiber polyneuropathy or myopathy
- Mild left ulnar neuropathy at the elbow
- Mild median mononeuropathy in the right wrist seen in carpal tunnel syndrome
- No electrodiagnostic evidence of left cervical radiculopathy
Cervical Spine MRI without Contrast
Cervical Spine CT - Coronal Reconstruction
Cervical Spine CT
Cervical X-ray, PA
Bilateral cervical ribs seen on the plain X-ray film, right (yellow arrow) > left (red arrow).
Differential Diagnosis
- Thoracic outlet syndrome - neurogenic, secondary to cervical rib
- Cervical radiculopathy - symptoms do not correlate with certain dermatomes
- Peripheral neuropathy - ruled out by NCS and EMG
Surgical Intervention
- Intraoperative neuro-monitoring with nerve stimulation
- Supine
- Left shoulder roll
- Rightward head turn
- Posterior cervical triangle
- Incision along the posterior border of left SCM
- Dissection of platysma muscle
- Dissection of anterior scalene fat pad
- Identification of phrenic nerve on the anterior scalene muscle
- Identification and decompression of upper, middle, and lower trunks
- Identification and resection of cervical rib
- Closure
Intra-Op Imaging
A vessel loop was used to isolate the upper, middle, and lower trunks, respectively.
This picture is slightly out of focus.
Intra-Op X-ray
From left to right: a clamp was used to identify the cervical rib; the tip of the Penfield No. 4 was at the costovertebral junction of C7; after the resection of the cervical rib.
Post-Op Recovery
- Chest X-ray in PACU to rule out pneumothorax and phrenic nerve injury
- Floor care withe very 4 hours neuro-checks
- Sling for comfort
- Medical 2.5 fingers numbness improved
- New left lateral 3 fingers tingling
Post-Op X-ray
Pre-(left) and Post-(right)Op X-rays