Kyphosis, Cervical
- HPI:
- Presented to neurosurgery clinic
- Progressive BUE weakness x6m, right > left
- History of right hand tendon injury (ulnar side) -> finger deformity and weakness
- PE:
- Able to stand and achieve good balance in coronal and sagittal planes
- Head flexed forward
- Significant varus deformities of both knees
- Able to toe/heel walk, wide-based gait, unsteady tandem walking
- -Lhermitte's/Spurling's phenomenon
- Limited extension with ROM of cervical spine
- RUE: 2/5 deltoid, otherwise 4/5
- Diffusely altered sensation to light touch in both hands
- Grossly intact symmetric strength, BLE
- Intact sensation to light touch, BLE
- Hyperreflexia in the legs
- +Hoffman's, 4-5 beats clonus bilaterally
- Workup: cervical spine CT and MRI, scoliosis X-ray
Coronal Cervical Spine MRI - T2WI and T1WI
Standing Scoliosis X-ray, PA and Lateral
Upright Cervical Spine X-ray, PA and Lateral
Cervical Spine CT - Sagittal and Coronal
Surgical Intervention
- Gardner-Wells tongs application and removal (intra-op traction)
- Anterior:
- C4 corpectomy
- C3-C5 arthrodesis
- Posterior
- C2-C7 laminectomies
- C2-T3 posterolateral fusion
Intra-Operative Fluoroscopy - PA and Lateral
Post-Operative Cervical Spine X-ray - PA and Lateral
Post-Op Recovery
- Admitted to ICU intubated due to concerns of respiratory functions
- Extubated on POD1
- Posterior JP drain removed on POD3
- Improved BUE functions, grossly 4/5 on RUE
- Speech therapy: soft-bite, signed off
- PT: inpatient setting
- Cervical collar